Tuesday, August 25, 2009

15 Months

Wow Deion is 15 months already, how time flies! I read a book of names today and looked up Deion's name and it said: "handsome, intelligent, funny, popular, and cool" That describes my son to a T! I know I am biased because I am his mother but I really think I have the most handsome, the most intelligent, the funniest, and the coolest little guy around. I also have to add that he is also the happiest little kid I've ever met. He is such a lady killer! I cannot take him anywhere without people taking double takes at him and then he flirts so hard with his big dimply smile and then he sucks them in when he stares back and says a nice long sweet "Hiii" and then there's the hair. All the girls HAVE to touch his curly hair. His daddy says the "Curls get the Girls" and he is right. Also all the little girls around our apartment are also giving him kisses and they are like 2 years old. Wow I am just going to have a handful with that kid!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What a day

Today was just not a good day for me. I don't want to get into specifics but it was a pretty down day for me. I think that Deion was able to pick up that I was down because for the very first time ever he gave me "kisses." There were all I needed. I know I can count on him to lift me up. Also very sad day because Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died today. Sad, sad, sad.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birthday Bash

The best birthday cake ever! and it tasted good too!
Deion with greatgrandma, Adriana, grandma and little cous Izzy

Here he his eating on the job!

He was digging his dump truck dirt cake!

Wow I'm such a slacker! So much has happened in the last 3 months that I posted anything. Deion started walking at 11 months, just in time for his birthday. Also, he is sprouting 2 more teeth! And just this weekend we had his birthday party. It was construction themed and Deion had a great time with everyone!

Monday, March 2, 2009

9 months and baby steps

Deion has been practicing standing on his own. It's so exciting to see him standing and trying to get his balance right. I haven't seen it yet, but apparently he took some baby steps already last week. So the walking is about to come and I think we are ready for it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day



Well our Valentine's Day was pretty eventful. I did plan on taking professional pictures of Deion on V day but he was not feeling too good. I dressed him up like cupid and took some pics around the house with him (i'm sure he'll hate me for this later) , but at least I didn't take him out in public like that, right? I would have, i'm sure but he was way too sick for it. We think he's teething pretty bad or has a stomach flu because he couldn't keep anything down, he kept vomiting and having diarhhea. We went out to Tony Roma's with Deion anyway because we couldn't find a babysitter. We met my cousin and her husband there but towards the end of the meal Deion had pooed all over me!! It was pretty bad and smelly. What a way to end the night! He's a lot better now. Oh and Daddy got him his first pair of Jordans for Valentine's day-now he just needs to learn to walk in them : )

Friday, January 23, 2009

8 months old

Deion has turned 8 months today! A lot of things are going on physically with him, like his thighs are getting leaner, I miss his chubby thighs! Of course this is because he is so much more active and he can not stay still for one minute, it's even hard to change his diaper with him squirming and turning so much. And forget about the bumbo seat, the one place I thought he couldn't escape, but he can easily turn and twist his way out of there-I just couldn't believe it! He's quite a handful, and that's because he hasn't even started walking yet! Wow! I do love this stage though-I just love watching him explore and figure things out, he's such a smart little boy for sure. I have to watch him so closely because everything, I mean EVERYTHING goes into his mouth, expecially small shiny things he'll try to go for like coins and keys, and for some reason he goes after paper a lot and any cords sticking out of the wall. I can say that I've had a lot of practice using my mommy voice with saying "NO" a lot to him, I'm hoping he learns that word well by the time he's 1. Also wanted to report that we have 4, count them 4! teeth, not 2, coming in on the upper front.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Going mobile

Deion has been practicing standing up a lot lately. He's a master crawler now and he will even venture into dark hallways, he's a brave one that's for sure. I think he'll be trying to walk here soon and be able to do it alone within a month. He's also getting more chompers-his two front teeth are coming through!

Look Ma One Handed

2 month shots given July 24